395 to Southern Utah

Saturday October 21, 2017

Today is day 10 of the trip. I drove 131 miles today, for a total of 1065 miles so far.

Here is a short description of the day:
Hog Springs Canyon, Natural Bridges, more beauty
Kinda meh for the first few miles out of Hanksville, then a descent through a sandstone canyon and it gets awesome.

I started the day at Duke's Slickrock Campground. I ended the day at Comb Wash dispersed.

Here is a short description of the evening:

Finally stopping here! My spot is perfect except that folks camping further on drive past too fast and cover me in dust [turned out to be no big deal]. Nonetheless, I have a feeling of happiness bordering on the beatific that I am here tonight.

Story for today: Utah 24 to 95 - Fruita, Hanksville to Blanding.