nearest town: Benton CA
part of: private
A private Campground, Hot Soak in the US 395 region.
Number of visits: 1
GPS: 37.8009,-118.5301
Bathroom: portapotty • Water: not really
Tub 1 seems to always be booked. Tubs 2 and 3 are the lower priced tubs most likely to be open. I did T2 because it looked cozier in the picture. I like it better I think, but in T3 you can kick back and look at the hills which is cool.
Some ATT cellphone reception but not great.
My site, T2 has a redwood tub (old school). Next to me, T3 has a concrete tub, much more like a backyard jacuzzi - i.e.probably more comfortable to kick back in. I'm very happy with my site though.