Thermopolis Hot Springs

nearest town: Thermopolis WY

part of: Hot Springs State Park

A Hot Soak in the Wyoming region.

Number of visits: 2

GPS: 43.652,-108.2

Bathroom: yes • Water: yes

Funny little place. It is mandated to be free by some old treaty or contract.

There is an inside pool and an outside pool, and you can go to one or the other, and supposedly you have a 20 minute limit, but nobody was checking.

I chose the outside pool,and it was really pleasant. Nice shade structure. It's very close to Tepee, so I didn't dry or change, I just soaked for a while, thanked to nice lady and flip-flopped 60 yards back to Tepee.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

July 12, 2016 (free!) July 12, 2016 (free!)
(see main description above)