Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WhuDayInfo::$spot is deprecated in /home/johnfree/whufu/class.Things.php on line 569
WHUFU: November 14, 2010

Sunday November 14, 2010

Today is day 50 of the trip titled Fall 2010 East Coast.

I drove 165 miles today, for a total of 6403 miles so far.

I started the day at Charleston SC. I ended the day at Congaree Campground.

Here is a short description of the day:
day 49 - seven weeks! - wandering aimlessly
I'm kinda tired of the beach thing, so for no particularly strong reason I went 120 miles out of my way to head inland to spend the night at Congareee National Park, which I had never heard of.
Here is a short description of the evening:

merely the gravel parking lot for the tent camping ... not much in the way of amenities, but the park si very cool

Story for today: 101114 - Lowlands to Midlands.